Unlocking Customer Loyalty And Revenue Growth: Leveraging
Conversational AI And Insights To Reduce Churn In
The Telco Industry


Live Demo Webinar

8th November 2023 | 12 PM UAE TIME

In a highly competitive industry, where acquiring new customers can be costly and challenging, retaining existing customers becomes paramount.
Customer Churn continues to weigh heavily on telecommunications companies:

  • By focusing on customer satisfaction and loyalty, companies can safeguard their revenue and maximize the lifetime value of their customer base. Prioritizing customer happiness involves delivering exceptional experiences, addressing pain points promptly, and offering personalized solutions. By investing time and resources in retaining and nurturing existing customers, telecommunication companies can build strong relationships, foster loyalty, and ensure a sustainable revenue stream.
  • Poor customer service doesn’t just fuel churn but also impacts new subscriber acquisition and profitability.

Notably, 60% of Consumers consider switching to a competitor after two or fewer bad interactions and 17% of Consumers consider leaving after a single bad interaction..

  • Join us for an engaging and informative session with our seasoned professionals who promise to equip you with the knowledge and tools to stay ahead in the dynamic world of telecom industry.


12:00PM – 12:05PM Welcome Note & Context Setting
12:05PM – 12:40PM AI for Telco – Hani AlGhanem, Senior Solution Consultant,Uniphore
12:40PM – 12:55PM Polls Survey and Open Q&A
12:55PM – 1:00PM Closing Remarks and Networking



Senior Solution Consultant,
At Uniphore

Speaker Profile